Is Aquaphor a Skincare Miracle Ointment?

Pull the plug on those expensive, designer moisturizers – your new skincare miracle ointment is only $6. Yep, you read that right; Reddit users are swearing by using Aquaphor in their nighttime facial care regime.

This new trend called “slugging” calls for lathering your face in a thin layer of the lanolin-filled occlusive after your normal routine, meaning that you’re essentially coating your face in a gooey layer of hydration while keeping all your toners, serums, and eye creams in place all night.

While Aquaphor is non-comedogenic (doctor speak for “won’t cause acne”), Rachel Nazarian, MD, dermatologist at the Schweiger Dermatology Group in NYC, says that using too much when it’s hot out can trap sweat in your pores, “When sweat and oil can’t escape through your pores as they should, you might start to see an acne-like sweat rash, which can look like itchy red bumps.” So, if you’re already prone to oily skin or sweat a lot during the night, slugging might not be right for you.

Despite this unfortunate potential consequence, many Reddit users report very positive side effects, claiming that their skin is noticeably clearer, smoother, and less hyper-pigmented. So, if you’ve got dryish skin and $6 to spare, Aquaphor might be your ticket to dewey, radiant skin.