Rommy DeBommy is a design genius. She put her two loves together, food and fashion, to create beautiful almost-edible purses for the masses. These purses sell on her Etsy shop and are quite high in price, but the detail is stunning and will have passersby doing double-takes.
For Sushi Lovers…
A bento “box” featuring all your favorite rolls, veggies, and fish.
For Dessert Darlings
Any gal would love a sprinkle covered cake purse, with a few cherries on top!
For the Diners
Why go for a slice of pie when you can wear the entire thing?
For the Tea Fanatic
If consuming tea if your bag, this one is perfect for you.
For Those Who Got Mad at the iHop/iHob Marketing
This one looks devastatingly delicious. Look at that syrupy detail!
If You Want to Inspire Your Kids to Eat a Balanced Meal
Maybe having them stare at this will change their mind about eating peas.
For Those Who Need to Cool Down
Mint chip, anyone? Or the super scooper?