September sneaked up on us and we’re not sure how we feel about it. On one hand, summer flew by so fast and we want to enjoy these last few warm days, but on the other hand, we can’t wait to wear all the amazing fall trends that wait for us. If you’re someone who wants to make the most out of the last summer days, pastel nails are one of the ways to do it. But don’t just choose any pastel color; choose the one that’s the absolute hit this year – pistachio green.
It’s similar to mint, which was very popular a few years ago, but still different enough to be in the spotlight. This year, we’ve seen the pistachio trend everywhere, from home decor to wedding dresses, but the easiest way to incorporate it into your outfits is through details such as nail polish. This is a color that always looks fresh and elegant, but it’s different from traditional manicure colors in shades of pink, nude, and red. It will draw attention to your hands immediately, and if you want it to really pop, pair it with another accessory in the same shade.