Each year there are fads and trends that you wish you could make disappear. 2017 had no shortage of useless fads which should be kicked to the curb by now.
They had a strong following amongst adults in 2017. Everyday items like coffee, cakes, and even lipstick were decorated with a useless unicorn. Hopefully, we can act like adults again in 2018 and make more age appropriate decorations.
These were the other childhood magical figures that invaded adult space. From blankets to hair color and not to mention a mermaid workout. With luck, we might be able to bring some sanity back in 2018.
Millennial pink
They should also make way for other colors. At some stage, all of us need to let go of the childhood Barbie Corvette dream.
Oversize lips are just that, oversized
Whatever happened to less is more? 2018 might see a lot more barely-there lip gloss and lipsticks.
Unless you’re staying in a drought-stricken area, get creative and decorate your window with something other than these spiky guys.
Come on. Grow a pair. If you like someone, let them know. Don’t leave them hanging after you led on that there might be something without so much as a word.